Welcome To Love for Lawn!
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We do gardening and more!

Love for Lawn

Lawn Mowing

Dedication, passion and love for your lawn by our expert gardener.

Your Garden and Our Care

Gardening and More

Gardening is time consuming, we are here to help with edging, trimming and caring.

Weeds Estermination

Weeds Termination

They are everywhere, they infest your garden, your pathways, your driveways... we are here to terminate them.


Let's talk about Gardening

Winter Garden/Lawn Watering
With winter coming let's focus on how to water our lawns
1/3 Rule in mowing
1/3 Rule
The 1/3 rule in mowing
Trimming with Love
Trimming How?
How to trim your bush/edge


A real story to know a bit about me